6/8 - busy "resting" day, saturday

so much for resting. i've decided that resting is hard. i am going a little nuts looking at my list of things to do. so i decided to get stuff done, just at a slower pace.
this is my last morning on the couch, for now at least. :)
tid-bit - i hit the 11 pounds lost mark. still not sure where i am loosing it from. clothes fit the same. oh well. i'm just glad that i have a few pounds i can spare. i would hate to be skinny before this surgery. then i probably would just look gauntly. no thanks!
i had to go to chick-fil-a to get a gift certificate today. oh my, that was hard. it would be like taking a crack fiend to a crack house and making him stand there for about ten minutes, then dragging him out with nothe more that a plastic card and a receipt. i can say now that i am truly hungry.
i ran a couple other errands. i was pretty pathetic when i got home. couldn't sit down fast enough. resting isn't only hard on the mind - it's hell on my muscles. i can't exercise until four weeks. and then i will only be able to mall walk. joy. my brain needs some exercise too.
another tid-bit - i lost another stitch. so weird. it was a perfect little knot. just found it in the sink after my swish and drool fun tonight.
i was so bummed about the chick-fil-a outing that i decided to make a malt for dinner. it was easy, too easy. a few scoops of ice cream, carnation instant breakfast chocolate malt flavored packet and a little  milk. a few seconds in the blender and then heaven. i was finally content.
third tid-bit - i am almost out of liquid ibuprofen. it's time to be a big girl and take actually pills. and not the dinky little ones i take everyday for my thyroid. needless to say, i did buy the smallest sized pills today while out on errands.

i haven't posted any face photos so here we go...


and the best ever... more lip photos.

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