6/30 - man... i'm tired

tired of my surgical wires.
tired of not chewing.
tired of being puffy.
tired of not having feeling in parts of my face.
tired of my nose hurting.
tired of the rough spots on my cheeks and lips from all the metal and swelling.
tired of my constant glossy skin.
tired of having my jaws closed for the majority of the day.

tired of sleeping on my side. doctor said that i can't sleep on my side until eight weeks. aggh. two more weeks. two more very long weeks.

rough day. just sayin'

but with all that being said - i am still very happy i did the surgery. i know i still have a long road filled with obstacles. but damn... i've come a long way. everyday i feel a little more numbness and swelling going away. baby steps i keep saying. baby steps. hey- at least i have been able to stop using sippy cups and baby spoons. yay!

tomorrow is my six-week post-surgery anniversary. i will video myself again reading about the dog. :) i will also try to post up before and after pictures from day one to now. should be interesting.

but never tired of apple sauce. especially strawberry apple sauce. :) 

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