6/17 - FOUR weeks baby!!

first of all... i had my favorite tomato basil soup. strained of course. oh so yummy!!

and here's my four-week talking video. pretty exciting!

I had my four-week follow up appointment with the surgeon today. man, i was nervous as usual. i really didn't know what to expect.

he came in and asked me to open my mouth. i had my bands in, so it was pretty pathetic. i think he actually laughed at me. he asked me to do it again. i freaked out and he asked me why.

well. i feel like my jaw is going to pop out of place or my teeth are going to fly out. i know they aren't. but i just am a little scared.
he promptly took the bands out and we tried it again. he was more pleased. then he looked all around my mouth which wasn't pleasant. then the kicker happened. he put his thumb on the roof of my mouth and his fingers around the front of my upper teeth. he then moved it all around using lots of pressure. it felt like he was seeing if there was any movement where the bone was cut. i nearly lost it. i have never sweat so much at a doctor's appointment. it was the longest few minutes of my life. LONGEST EVER!

then i asked all the questions i need to ask at this point and let him know some things:

- he asked about my ortho visit and bands: told him i saw ortho last tues. got new bands and was told to change every two days. told him i changed bands late thursday night and yesterday afternoon
- working out? i can do light elliptical or light bike on trainer. no jogging. No hills or sprints.
- same food - no chewing still. i can start to chew soft stuff at six weeks, like soft pasta and flaky fish
- sleeping on side? need to do that at least eight weeks (BOO!!)
- blood still in nose ok? yes. it is fine
- still real sore around nose and upper lip. it's ok
- swelling and numbness. still ok

other notes and to-do from surgeon:
- wear bands majority of day plus at night
- work on stretching and talking homework so muscles and such don't continue to get fatigued
- see him two weeks, same day as ortho ok
- teeth need to be trained. Bands will do that. 
- teeth fit very well right now but still need to be reminded where they need to be
- bands are like training wheels
i was so excited when i got home i ate pasta with a spoon! and when i say "ate" i mean i blend up the pasta lightly with my little ninja. then i used my baby spoon to shovel it in. very slowly and very messy. but yea!! no chewing sucks. but one day at a time.

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