6/25 - five weeks... and one day

i forgot to take pictures yesterday. so here are some from this morning. i can really start to see the different shape to my face. i need to dig up the pictures from when we started all of this. i will try to get them and post up next week for a 6-week comparison. should be interesting.

in medical news - i've been in some pain lately. things are really starting to wake up. and every time i take my bands off i think it alerts muscles and nerves to start waking up. so i have been having that damn tingling sensation. it comes and goes and all over in patches. joy. then i put my bands back on and it settles back down to normal. i hate to admit it, but i feel safer with my bands in. weird, i know. but oh well.

in food news today... i ate a peppermint patty today. yes, i cut it up in a million little pieces and it took me a lifetime to get thru it. but yum. i think i will have another one tomorrow.

in other food news, i've been craving chicken salad. so i made a big bowl of it. i ate a ton of it for lunch. no bread or buttery/salty crackers... just shoveled it in with my baby spoon. quite delectable.

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