6/12 - a wacky wednesday

just gonna list the weird and funny things that happened today...

1) i sneezed for the first time. man that was weird. stuff came out my nose and a little slobber cam out of my mouth. i left my lips open because i knew there would be pressure in there. glad i did. it helped.

2) i upgraded myself to a sippy cup for my morning coffee. i'm such a big girl now. my lips can't really get around it well. but it's better than the bottle with rubber tip.

3) i also tried drinking soda from bottle. that worked pretty well. i have to keep wiping my mouth after i drink. no matter what i drink it out of. basically there is dribble at the corners of my mouth. i suspect that will happen until i can feel everything and it isn't swollen. we will see.

4) i was "brushing" my teeth at work after lunch. of course i was having issue spitting in the sink. i still just tip my head over and blow. it all drools and flows out. pretty exciting. well, i was in there doing my thing and a lady came out of a stall. she walked over to the sink next to me. she washed her hands then promptly spit in the sink. WTF! was she showing off? what a B. who does that? she works in a different department, so i don't know her. but really made me laugh.

5) i made pasta again. it was yummy. blended happiness. 
6) went shopping... needed more soup.

see, i told you it was a wacky day. :)

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