6/4 - Tuesday of terror

Ok, maybe not terror. But definitely terrible pain. I had three meetings today. Luckily I didn't have to present anything, just participate. :) but I think they took a toll on me. I got really busy and forgot to take my after lunch ibuprofen which I really felt in my cheeks by the time my last meeting was over. There was some throbbing that I haven't felt for a few days. My upper lip was on fire. Lets just say that I won't let that happen again. I came home and actually took Vicodin. I have been only taking that at bedtime the last few days. But not tonight. Oh well. I have to keep reminding myself that I did recently have major surgery and I have nothing to prove. Pain meds are ok to take. :)

I'm anxious about my follow-up appointment this Thursday. I don't want the surgeon to touch my upper inner lip. I know that he will go exploring. I admit. That scares the shit out if me. He may even adjust my bands. Honestly I don't really want him touching those either. Haha but we will just have to wait and see. 

I still have a swollen knot between my eyebrows. So i'lll ask him about that. 

The corners of my lips have been tingling and really sensitive. I guess the numbness it wearing off a bit. 

I also have been lucky enough to now have tiny little acne marks around my nose and upper lip. Yay. As if having chipmunk cheeks aren't col enough, now I have itty-bitty pimples. Really?? Come on. I guess I should be happy I've been lucky enough with the minimal bruising and no black eyes.  So I'll try to limit my bitching. Just thought I'd mention this tid-bit. 

I forgot to do my two-week video of reading the animal fact card yesterday. So I recorded a quick video when I got home from work. I can tell my upper lips and corners of my mouth are moving more now. Yay for progress. 

Link to video...

oh, and granny's made from scratch chicken and dumplings blended up nicely. damn, it was yummy!! 

I took some pictures if my mince-meat lip tonight. thought about posting them. but I'm thinking they may be a little too gross. you can actually see a couple stitches. scary. 

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