6/20 - food and boogers, but not together.

i can't explain how bored i am of drinking my food. how bored i am liquid and super mushy food. this morning i was feeling a little defeated. so i decided to try something a bit daring. i am very happy about being able to take my bands off to "eat" with a spoon. i thought i would go and pick up a baked potato. i thought that i could just mash it up a bunch and shovel it in. well... let me tell you. i have never been so happy when it comes to lunch. i felt "normal" again. the potato was loaded with cheese, butter and BBQ sauce. i normally get this with grilled chicken. but no meat today. i am sure that will come later. but for now, this was heaven.  i only choked a little bit on a bit that i didn't quite mash up enough. this whole no-chewing thing is tough. my poor little stomach has to do all the work.

oh and i realized something today.

i have been feeling really run down lately. it's official. i have a bit of a cold. i have a little fever, boogers and a sore throat. needless to say that this absolutely sucks. as if my nose isn't already jacked up. now i have to add boogers. and as if my swallowing abilities are not up to par - add in a sore throat with some nasal drainage. OK, i know - TMI. just thought i'd share. i guess i should look on the bright side. i am having this said cold now, now a couple weeks ago.

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