6/13 - thursday food fun and bands change

someone asked me how i eat. so i thought i would just snap some pictures during the day to show how much fun eating/drinking is with bands.

it all starts with a can of soup. i tend to pick the ones with the more broth, less creamy.
blend it up big time. liquefy it like crazy. then you need to strain it. all those little chunks can't get thru your teeth. plus any big flakes of spice and such get stuck in your teeth. it's just easier to strain it before you eat it.

then i pack everything up to carry to work. blended soup, my bottle with the tip that is more open. i also packed some blended carrots for this day. yay!

i keep these items at work in the kitchen. very important... glass bowl, spoon, spatula and a funnel. i just wash everything out after i use it. so i warm the soup up in the bowl.

 then i put the bottle in the sink. (in case it spills, it's nice to make the mess in the sink haha) place the funnel in the bottle and pout the hot soup right in. wash it all up then store it away in a drawer for the next day.saves me from having to carry it back and forth everyday.

i have a smaller bottle that i use for my snacks. i just switch out the rubber tip. yummy carrots!!
today was a long day. i decided i needed some afternoon coffee. i thought that today is the day to try drinking out of a starbucks cup. man, it was a little hard. can't really feel my upper lip. so it was a little messy. but i did it! yay.
Thursday night means bands change night, oh my. here we go. i took pictures of how the bands are on so i would know how to put them back. i was able to change them after much anxiety. it was hard. i can't hold my lip up by itself. so one hand was doing that and the other was taking off and putting on the bands.

here are the little
bad boys... they look pretty non-threatening. but don't believe them. they are mean little boogers. mean mean little boogers!
look! i opened my mouth. whoo hoo. it actually hurt a little. it was incredibly weird, which i think heightened the "pain" i suppose. i was able to brush the inside of my mouth. although that was a little odd as well. i started using my big girl toothbrush because i was all excited. so i loaded it up with paste and brushed the outside of my teeth.  i went to open... and nope. couldn't enough. so yep, baby tooth brush had to finish the job. i had toothpaste and spit all over the place. i can't feel the roof of my mouth and near the front of my teeth. so i realized that i couldn't tell if i was brushing my teeth or my gums. i quickly brushed my tongue and got the hell out. at that point i was completely weirded out. i can't explain how odd it felt.
i put the bands back on slowly. it was a big night!

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