6/22 - big night out

tonight was a big night. i went to a belated birthday dinner for a friend. i had the pleasure of mowing thru a big bowl of blue cheese risotto. man, that was yummy. it was way filling. then i followed it up with a great dessert. it was a special goat cheese - cheese cake with blueberry sauce and a little lemon/vanilla cream. oh my. i had to leave the crust alone. that was a little too rough to swallow with out chewing. but everything else was great!

i then headed over to a little bar/concert hall to see one of my favorite musicians play. once again i realized that clapping was hard/weird. i may have over done it a bit also with the singing along and yelling. i also encountered the challenge of double straws. haha that was a little hard, but i made due. i was sore sore and puffy by the time i got to bed.

but well worth it!

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