5/23 - just another thursday

today was pretty uneventful. just perfect. i wake up every morning and go sit on the love seat. it takes a while to get going. my mouth hurts and it takes time to get everything settled right after lying down over night. can't explain it, but once i get going it's time to start the meds. that takes time too. haha taking meds and eating breakfast is about an hour of sitting at the bar.

on the menu this morning... apple sauce and a grits/boiled egg/chicken broth mixture and juice. mom got a little blender happy this morning. it sounds gross, but it was actually pretty yummy.
it just takes a bit of skill to get the mixture just right to be able to go thru the syringe.
eating is messy. we are going thru paper towels like crazy. not only do i get it all over the counter, but i tend to slobber a little. haha. there is a lot of mouth wiping going on during breakfast. after this is all done, it's time for my morning rinse and drool.
now you can understand why the event of breakfast can take about an hour. but what else do i have to do?
i received another beautiful arrangement of flowers today, from co-workers. very nice!

i did get out of the house today. i went with my mom to the grocery store for some more soups and stuff. after looking thru that cookbook and some discussions we needed other things to blend. that was cool. felt good to get out. but man, i was tired when we got home. it's amazing how quickly i get tired.
my parents pick my nephew up after school everyday. so i get to see him while i'm here. that's cool. he plays baseball. has a game tonight. he wanted me to come. was pretty upset when i said i couldn't come. he said i shouldn't be tired... i've been just lying around and sleeping all day. haha kids.
for lunch mom made some noodles. added some parmesan garlic sauce that we bought earlier. blended up real well with some chicken broth. YAY!! cheesy pasta. it was yummy. there is hope.
it's funny, i never pay attention to commercials on TV. but holy cow, there some incredibly appetizing food commercials out there. damn you TV for putting all those thoughts in my head. just ain't right.
in medical tid-bits today:
- face did some weird twitching. so bad even mom could see it.
- inside bottom lip is starting to wake up i think. i have odd tingles and pain in areas. joy.  
(stop reading now if you have a weak stomach!)
- the doctor recommended hot showers to help with the nose congestion. he wasn't kidding. during my shower today a giant, and when i say giant i am not exaggerating, ball of dried up blood, bloody boogers and something brownish came out. it was so big and gross i even was a little weired out. basically a huge chunk of something that has been blocking my breathing these past few days came out. it was like a miracle happened. i could breathe. so yay for giant slimy balls of gunk coming out while taking hot showers. (i know, TMI... but for real. it nearly was the highlight of my day) 

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