5/18 - family time

so after settling in at my mom's we went to the best little mexican food place in town. my parents frequent there. i can't tell you how excited i was about the chicken enchiladas. i get them to put queso on top. soooo yummy. perfection. i was talking with my sister-in-law about foods that were on my list of must-haves. i realized that i hadn't gotten a chance to eat fried shrimp. yes, i know... no big deal right? not really, because you know that is what i will fixate on in the near future if i didn't get any. she noticed that they serve some. so along with my yummy cheesy goodness i was lucky enough to have a few shrimp. so good.

hanging out with my family was great. my grandmother was even able to join us. that made me super happy.
my nephew took lots of photos that evening. not sure what kind of face i am making here. i think i was tired of holding the smile. but oh well, great picture of my mom, grandma and sister-in-law so i thought i would share.

we had a few margaritas then back to mom's. still had a little planning for our last day before surgery.

mom gave me a little present that was sent to her from my aunt, who lives near austin. she kept telling me to open it. i wanted to wait since it was a get well present. after much debate, i opened it. lots of good things!! some fun snacks/drinks, stickers, a super cool turtle sleep shirt and a really neat fold-out card. yay for treats!

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