5/20 - alarms and wipe downs

so, it's the big day. I'm super paranoid about walking up late. see... i have to get up way early. you are supposed to shower before you go to the hospital. the story gets better, i promise.

at my hospital pre-op appointment the nurse gave me some high-level anti-bacterial body wipes. i was told to wipe down from the the shoulders down before going in. the problem - you need to wait at least two hours after you shower before you wipe down with these things. because they are so strong they can irritate your skin. and lucky for me, i have sensitive skin. so i figured i would do my best to wait two hours.

schedule is to be at the hospital at 6am for my 8am surgery. which means we have to leave the house around 5:30am. which means i have to shower at 3:30am at the latest. (so i am giving myself 1.5hrs before the big wipe down) i set my alarm. i double set the phone alarm. my plan is to shower and then crawl back into bed and rest while waiting those "2 hours".

then i had to set a second alarm for when i need to wake up my mom. i am afraid i may go back to sleep after my shower.

all went well. i woke up on time. woke my mom up on time. showered and did the whole wipe down thing. we loaded up the car and headed out.

oh, and i said a sad farewell to my buddy... mr. toothbrush. it's going to be a while before we meet again.

FYI - i plan on posting pictures the next few days. not too sure how much i'll be able to type and all, but at least there will be visuals. i'll fill in the gaps later.

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