5/21 - at the surgeon's office

i was a bit nervous at the surgeon's office. i was real worried he was going to look all in my mouth. i didn't want to know what the heck is happening in there with stitches or anything.

i had to take another x-ray. i couldn't bite down on the little thing to hold my head still. haha that was kinda funny.

we waited a little short while and then the other surgeon came in and checked me out. he reviewed the x-ray and said everything looks good.

i asked that he show my mom the skull sample that i saw during my original appointment a few weeks ago. she was able to see exactly how the bone was broken and then reset. that was cool. it really helps to see the sample to understand what was done.
then he sent us on our merry little way. next stop... mom's house. YAY!

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