1/30 - flair and light bulb

so... I was looking thru an old jewelry box yesterday for something and found this lovely pin. I nearly lost it. I laughed so hard. I remember wearing that on my blue jean jacket back in middle school. man, I've come a long way. :)

(see y'all... it's pays off to save every little thing. haha. pack-rats rule!)

side bar- had one of those light bulb moments tonight. as many of you know I have a serious cheese addiction. the bulb went bright while reviewing a local Mexican food menu tonight in preparation for ordering pick-up for tomorrow's dinner. (blaming this one on Olivia!) I won't be able to enjoy my cheesy happiness for a while after they break my jaw. aggghhh. so, I need to find some sort of cheese soup recipe and/or really good canned soup. any suggestions? I have time to perfect this. I will add this to my "find good soups" mission.

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