11/17 – interesting day

I am trying to master the water pic. It’s a little hard. For some stupid reason when you press the button it stops the water from coming out. that seems so backwards to me. it should squirt out WHEN you press the button. Let’s just say the bathroom has never been cleaner. ha-ha I spent a bit of time today wiping up my mess… and towel drying my hair where I got a little crazy.

I got a lot of goodies in my "yay-you got braces"
bag from my orthodontist. this is going to be fun!
There are special hooks on quite a few of my brackets to be used later after surgery. Man, they are tearing up my cheeks. I have found several things for relief: puffing up my mouth with air, which looks ridiculous in public, orajel for the really rough spots and spraying throat spray on them. It numbs the cheeks for a bit. Really nice. I have a travel size that I plan to carry with me for the next few days.
Side note: I went to a friend’s b-day dinner. I was kind of sad. There were bread baskets on the table. I couldn’t enjoy any of it because my teeth were hurting so bad. But I did have a great bowl of lobster bisque, dessert and some nice wine.

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