12/27 - first ortho adjustment

Well, I was a bit nervous for some reason. I’ve had a million adjustments but this one just felt weird. I guess I know it’s just one more step closer to surgery. One step closer to having fixed jaws.

they talked  to me a little bit about the thin wire they took out and the new thick wire they changed it to. the thin one basically got my teeth ready to move and kick started the shifting. since it's so thin it can easily shift left or right in those fancy cage brackets. that is what was causing the wires poking me. i was able to leave it on for 6 weeks.

this new wire is a lot thicker. it should shift too much. but she did say something that was a little scary. she mentioned how this next 6 weeks with the new wire will be "exciting". she said that i will be able to see lots more movement. i am not sure if excitement is what i am feeling but i am anxious.

she did have to replace my top, left, back bracket. she had trouble putting in the new wire. there was some reason it was crimped

or something. the wire didn't want to go in the tube. so they popped it off, ground on the tooth a little to clean off old glue and applied a new and improved bracket. the wire slid right in. yea!

i looked closely at that bracket and angle of the wire. it looks like they are trying to bring that tooth down a little as well as rotate a bit. yikes.

i could instantly feel the new more aggressive tension of the new wire. man, this should be fun.

here's a close up of my new wire. you can really see those special hook things in this picture.

and for dinner...
some fabulous four cheese mashed potatoes.
ate every last bit of it.

once again courtesy of my best gals!

i was smart enough to keep it in the pantry for a special occasion.

12/18 - relief

Yep that’s right. I am a 37 year old buying wax for my braces.

The thin wire has shifted around and is now poking out of my last top bracket. So I keep getting puncture wounds. Sometimes when it gets stuck I literally have to reach in there and pull off my cheek. Joy.

I’ve decide to just muscle thru it. I have my first braces adjustment appointment in a little over a week.

But wax now is my new best friend. OK, maybe second best friend. There is wine chilling in the fridge. J

12/5 - radio lollipop test

Swell Michelle in the house!!

So, I produced Radio Lollipop for first time tonight since I got my metal grin. It was weird. Doing a lot of talking really did a number on my cheeks. They are all torn up now. Oh well, it was fun. Hopefully this tender cheek and mouth thing will go away with time. Crossing my fingers.

12/3 - snack time!!

So today I am enjoying one of my favorite things… peanut butter. I typically don’t buy it. I have a serious problem and can’t control myself around it. it’s rather sad, really. But I bought some to make my soft afternoon snacks. YAY!